These NFTs are completely unique sounds.
They are computationally generated with multiple bands of overlapping random sound waves to produce sounds from an algorithm that has over a trillion unique outcomes. I also destroy the generating random sequence immediately upon creation. Owning one of these means owning your own individual, irreplicable, and definitive type of sound. There’s a lot going on in each, and they’re best listened to with noise-cancelling headphones.
Each are linked to and described below, along with each sound’s “tasting notes”:
"Opportunity" is a warm bell-full sound. It's holding your ears underwater in a cold lake. It's falling asleep with your ear on the car window on a family road trip. Oaky, Meyer lemon, cilantro.
“Anniversary” is a hollow, wide sound. It's dragging your feet on metal. It's the act of swallowing whipped cream. Hints of dried fruits and chocolate.
“Security” is a harsh, unwelcoming sound. It's an argument with your dad after you've both had too much to drink. It's being scheduled for a shift after explicitly asking for the afternoon off, twice. Green pepper, scallions, turmeric.
"Dynasty" is about surprise and its aftermath. It's pumping the brakes at an unexpected stop sign. It's touching the pot you didn't realize was scalding. Basil, olive oil, carrots.
"Nubiformal" is a tall, cool sound. It's drawing a paintbrush across a wall. It's biking downhill. Peaches, mint, hints of cranberry.
"Outmaster" is a full and lively sound. It's pausing at the top of a hiking trail. It's finding the right word. Thyme, wet earth, butter.
"Roy" is an airy, growing sound. It's cutting a clean corner with sharp scissors on thick paper. It's walking in front of a space heater in February. Cardamon, warm rice, undertones of red grape.
"Anta" is a twinkling and effervescent sound. It's holding up a wine glass to a candle. It's stepping into a shower in the afternoon. Lime zest, cool steam, hints of radish.